NLP is one of the branches of artificial intelligence that works with the analysis, understanding and generation of living languages ​​in order to interact with computers both orally and in writing, using natural languages ​​instead of computer ones.


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Machine learning and language analysis

Machine translation of texts

This is one of the most common scenarios. However, despite the significant progress in machine translation, modern solutions still do not always cope with the translation of stable phrases, word play, as well as the choice of suitable cases and the correct construction of sentences.

Reflection of the content of the text (text summarization) works like this: the NLP system accepts a large text as input, and outputs a smaller text that reflects the content of a large one.

For example, a machine may be required to generate a text retelling, heading, or annotation. You can read a little more about text generation in the material with a detailed analysis of the ways in which you can teach neural networks to create meaningful and funny for human perception titles.

Finally, the analysis of the sentiment of the text (sentiment analysis) allows you to find opinions in the text and reveal their properties. Which properties will be investigated depends on the task at hand. For example, the purpose of the analysis may be the author himself - the analysis of sentiment determines his typical style, emotional coloring of the text, etc: doctranslator.